
Earlier today, Deezo included a mention of the chick flick “Must Love Dogs” in his holiday wrap-up. I commented on the remarkable ability of John Cusack to make almost any chick flick semi-bearable for a guy to sit through. Even by playing the same character in every chick flick he’s been in, Cusack still has the ability to add a comedic element that, while maybe not making it “okay” for guys to watch, it certainly makes for a viable option when the woman wants something mushy in the DVD player. (That doesn’t include 32 sequels and/or a phallic knockoff of a nursery rhyme in it’s title.) Incidentally, IMDB claims that Cusack was given the opportunity to tweak his character’s lines a bit, an opportunity which he took full advantage of, to the tune of 35 pages of rewritten script.

Though that theory enough wasn’t enough to warrant a post, but it got me thinking.

There’s a scene in “Must Love Dogs” where Diane Lane, who gives the impression of the typical “I have a wireless laptop sitting on my kitchen counter, but I really see computers as a nuisance” character, sits down and hammers out some templated personal ads, perfectly Photoshopping her face into another woman’s body with two or three clicks, and all in the same application.

It’s probably highly geeky of me to notice things like that days after I’ve seen a movie, but it still makes me laugh to see the ease with which movie characters use computers. It’s slightly more realistic than in the past where a dozen or so keystrokes could crack a government mainframe, but it’s still funny enough.

One thought on “C-colon-pound-pound-pound”

  1. I ended up seeing this one last week and kind of thoought the same- that one older woman was way too good with a computer for someone her age.

    I was just glad the movie wasn’t actually about dogs.

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